• Grafica & plates internet
    Diego Moroder Design

Daniëura ma mo plu te tëmps de rezescion y de crisa iel mpurtant se prejenté cun n IMAGE tler, che dà crëta y profil. Deberieda pudons lauré sun n cunzet persunalisà che ie l drët per vosta firma.


Always but especially in times of recession and crisis, it is important to present oneself with a clear IMAGE that conveys trust and a good profile. Together, we can work on a personalized concept that suits your company.

Te n marcià for plu sëuramenà iel mo plu mpurtant se desferenzië dai autri. Avëi n Corporate Design o plu n generel avëi na IDENTITÀ ie na garanzia per unì recunesciui miec, l ie na merca che se tira tres duc i prudoc de na firma y la auza ora dal rest dl marcià. 

In a market which is increasingly overdone, it is even more important to be different from the others. Having a Corporate Design or, more generally, having an IDENTITY is a guarantee for being better recognized. It is a feature that occurs throughout all the products of a company and that makes it stand out from the rest of the market.
Deberieda abinons dessegur na soluzion aldò de Vosc bujëns, cun n design adatà al publich che ulëis arjonjer, bon de tenì pea cun la modes dl marcià nternaziunel che se muda tresora... 

Together, we will certainly find a solution according to your needs, with a design suitable for the public you want to reach, able to keep up with the latest fashions of the international market that keeps changing…
Chisc ie duc i prudoc stampei, sciche catalogs, zaites, libri, julantins, chertes da vijita, placac, collages y mo auter. Fajion sambën nce logos. 

These are all the printed products, such as catalogs, journals, books, flyers, business cards, posters, collages and other. Of course, we also design logos.
De segur iel n grum de bon fotografs ncantëur. NOSTA FORZA ie n bel archif de fotografies de nosc raion. Fotografies che ne ndeletea nia mé nëus ma che ie dantaldut pensedes per fé ueia ai patins de unì a nes crì te nosc bel raion. 

There are surely many gifted photographers around. OUR STRENGTH is a great archive of thought-out photographs of our region, which not only please us but which especially encourage the tourists to come visit us in our beautiful region.

Various References | PRINT & WEBDESIGN

Dolomites Val Gardena, Hahnenkamm-Rennen Kitzbühel, Visit Val Gardena, Visit Alta Badia, HERO Dolomites, Val Gardena ActiveSüdtirol GardenssimaGarni Max, Garni BondìChalet Insignis, Sport Gardena, Monpiër, Günther Runggaldier Art, Sellaronda Bike Day, Villa Elvis, Raiffeisen Gherdëina, BKW, Emmi, Alex Vinatzer, Raiffeisen Gherdëina, Ruben Prugger, Heinz Lardschneider, Herbert Senoner, Fratelli CiechiMoroder AlpineBelaut, Pizblanc, Aquila Residence & Lodge, Col Raiser, Hotel Des Alpes, Apartments Dolores, Villa Theres, Galleria Ghetta, Skirental Resorts, Despar Dolomiti, Ciampinoi, Toni Demetz, Catores, Gardena GuidesMTB School Val Gardena, Mountain ChristmasSimon OberbacherSanonSneton, Arnold Holzknecht, Gardena Ronda, apartment4.holiday, Bruno Walpoth, Summit Sports, Pertëut, Damont, Salegg, Solaria and many more..

Fotografies per l turism

Gherdëina y si ntëurvia per l turism

Nia fej n mieur retlam che de bela fotos de nosta bela valeda. 
Sce per plata internet o prospet, gën mëti a disposizion chësta fotos. 
Priejes lascei do sce n tol plu fotos.
PDF (Tourism Selection Dimo-Design) ->

Dimo-Design by Diego Moroder